The Inaugural Cygnum Awards at Technological University Dublin

A huge thank-you to the students and lecturers at Technological University Dublin who recently invited John & Heber to present the inaugural Cygnum Awards.

Congratulations to Laura, Harry & Zhizheng who excelled in their following courses..

Sustainable Timber Technology: Zhizheng He
Timber in Civil Engineering: Harry O’Neill
Timber in Architecture Technology: Laura O’Toole

The future of sustainable construction in the built environment is in safe hands! It is encouraging to see so many students interested in #offsiteconstruction, #timberdesign #sustainabilty. #timberengineering and #timberarchitecture.

Work Safe At Height

Cygnum is a proud partner of #CIFsafety22. Today’s theme examines the importance of working safely at height.

When working at height we assess the dangers and plan accordingly. Our site teams ensure the correct PPE gear is worn at all times. Fall arrest netting to the underside of trusses is fitted to enable the work to be carried out safely.
#CIFsafety22 #constructionsafety #workingatheight #planahead

Embodied Carbon Report

The data in the new report on Embodied Carbon from the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Local Government, and Heritage speaks for itself.

Accelerating the use of timber in construction is vital to meet the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2021 commitments of net zero carbon by 2050, and achieve a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030.

The report states ‘It is apparent that unless steps are taken to address the issue there will be a significant increase in construction-related carbon emissions.’ 

#embodiedcarbon #carbonemissions #timberconstruction #mmc #buildbackbetter #climateaction


reducing the embodied and operational energy of new builds.

Cygnum is at the forefront of sustainable projects that exemplify the highest standards in green construction.

Our innovative timber frame construction methods save time and energy, reducing the embodied and operational energy of new builds.

#housingforall #carbonreduction #energyefficient #mmc #sustainableconstruction #timberframe



Stunning Cedar Clad House

We are very happy to share this stunning cedar-clad house recently completed in Cork.

Cygnum’s certified U values and thermal bridge models give our clients the comfort of knowing that our products offer the highest performance. The data can be used in BER calculations to ensure that all elements of the build, including heating systems, are cost-effective.

#sustainableconstruction #climatecrisis #housingforall #mmc #cedar